Thursday, November 03, 2005

10 Things Fathers of Toddlers Should Always Carry With Them.

Traveling anywhere with a Toddler is always an adventure. These are things that I have discovered over time are useful for dad to have with him. I don't always have them, but I try to make an effort to have most of them with me when traveling with my three year old daughter. Especially if I am alone with her.

1. Bag of Animal Crackers

Take a simple Ziploc back full of animal crackers. If the plastic Ziploc causes you concern find a small plastic cup. I can't tell you how many times having a simple snack has helped occupy my daughter or ended the crying. Other things like the fish crackers, or granola bars work just as well.

2. Child scissors

If you carry scissor as part of a pocket knife, or finger nail clippers, or even pocket knife with just a blade, you are pretty much prepared for this one. I recommend child scissors for anyone else because your child will want to hold the scissors after you use them. On what? Straws. You want to be able to cut the straw down to a shorter size to make it easier to handle with the smaller cups that come with your childs drinks. Watching a child drink from a straw that is too long makes the need for this one obvious. You can often avoid picking up and holding the drink if the straw is shorter.

3. Handkerchief or Receiving blanket

This is true for toddlers as even more true for even younger children. You need something to wipe the noses, clean up the spills, and otherwise wipe away the tears that inevitably come with your adventures with your toddler.

4. Tiny flashlight

This can be a small flashlight or even a pen light. It is useful for entertainment for your toddler as well has helpful in finding what ever object has been dropped behind or under the back seat of the car.

5. 2 pieces of hard candy

My wife says I am cheating with I use this one, but if it works, then dad should use it. I try to have two pieces of candy with me for those moments that you need to stop the crying, persuade, or bribe your child into doing what daddy wants. Of course you can't give candy to your children all the time, or as often as they would like, but there are moments when you are in a hurry that it works wonders. If you get to the point that your child is asking you for candy all the time, you are definitely doing this too often.

6. Picture of your child

This is as much for bragging rights as serving any useful purpose. I have discovered as a proud father that I can talk to anyone about my children. Pictures are always good. Just keep in mind that you may have to look at their pictures as well.

7. Moist Towlet (individual wet wipe)

What works best is those individual moist towlets like the ones you get at your BBQ restaurant. I think you can also find them at some gas stations. Either way, while having wet wipes with you is always a must, sometime you don't have them available and having a single moist towlet tucked away can be a life saver. Especially after you used the candy and now your child is all sticky.

8. Extra Pair of sun glasses

If you don't want your toddler reaching or wanting to play with your sun glasses, then you need an extra "cheap pair" or sun glasses for your toddler that actually fit them. There is nothing cooler than when my daughter want to wear her sun glasses to be like daddy.

9. Camera

My wife carries a digital camera in her purse. A disposable camera works as well. They even sell disposable digital cameras. No matter what you have, there are those moments when you are with your children that you wish you had a camera. Not to mention, if you ever are in a car accident, or witness one, a camera can be really important to have then as well.

10 Extra Emergency Diaper Bag

Take a gym bag and back if full of the same stuff as in the diaper bag. Include the wet wipes, diapers, a change of clothes etc. Keep it in your vehicle. If you have more than one vehicle, make one for each vehicle. When you forget the diaper bag or run out of something, you will be the hero for having thought ahead. If you are along with the children and realize you don't have the diaper bag, you will be thankful for the emergency diaper bag.

William E Petersen is author of a blog called DaddyTalk. William is a father of 2 children, Angelina who is three yeasrs old and Carlos who is one year old. He lives with his wife and two children in San Antonio Texas. He can be reached at


Blogger William E Petersen said...

This article was published at

and will also be published at a free magazine named "Greater FW Family" in the greater Fort Wayne, Indiana area to over 15,000 families. The article will appear in the the December edition.

They also have a Web site at

A modified version of the article titled "10 Things Fathers of Toddlers Should Never Leave Home Without" was published Monday, September 12.

Friday, November 18, 2005 2:55:00 PM  

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