There is a new ABC television show called Supernanny that was onMonday nights (I am not sure it is still on that night). It’s an interesting show, especially for a new father who may want to how to handle children issues. The show features Jo Frost a supposed English “nanny” that visits families who are having issues with their children– a modern day Mary Poppins? You can see Jo Frost’s bio at
The Supernanny web site ( describes the show: “In each episode of Supernanny, Jo observes how the parents handle their day-to-day obstacles with their children. Once she's assessed the pitfalls, she works with the parents, instilling her tried-and-true methods for transforming unwanted behavior. Then, after demonstrating just how well the new style will work and getting unbelievable results from the children, the parents must fly solo with the Supernanny techniques. For several days they try to implement Jo's suggestions, and she revisits them at the end of the program to help keep them on track for the future."
As a parent I watched the show to see what it was all about – I have to say, I’m hooked! I could not believe how much I learned. This week I found out that I can order the DVD of the entire first season through Coloumbia House. If anyone is interested in joining Coloumbia House I get free DVDs when I sign up a friend, so let me know.