Monday, November 28, 2005

Wonderful Thanksgiving

Well, Thanksgiving is over. We ate two meals that day and I was so stuffed. Our family decided to avoid a lot of the work and cleanup by going to Home Town Buffet for our Thanksgiving meal. The food was good and the kids enjoyed the food and seeing their cousins.

That evening we went to my Compadres (my children's God Parents) to visit and eat again. My daughter had a blast playing a slot machine that Steve, her Padrino (God Father), has set up in his living room. It had all the magic of coins, lights, and pushing buttons.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving reminds me of a story my parent told me of when I was a young child at Thanksgiving. It seems they had run out of pumpkin pie and I wanted some. Not wanting to disappoint me, my mother scooped a serving of sweet potatoes onto a plate and added cool whip to the top and gave it to me telling me it was pumpkin pie.

My mother tells me I ate it and was happy, not noticing the difference or questioning if it was really pumpkin pie.

What white lies do you tell your children? So far my favorite one was when my wife told my daughter that Chick-fil-A didn’t have chicken to eat when my daughter wanted chicken for dinner. Chick-fil-A also had a play ground my daughter wanted to play on, but my wife didn’t want to eat there so she told her they didn’t have chicken.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Seeing Shamu

On Monday September 5, 2005 my wife Veronica and I decided to take the children to Sea World and use the free passes I had. Monday September 5, 2005 was Labor Day. We assumed that the park would be open late just like on the weekend.

As we drove up we noticed everyone was leaving. After asking someone who was leaving what time the park closed we found out it closed as 6:00 pm and it was 6:30 pm as we drove up.

The problem with all of this was that we had told Angelina that we were going to see Shamu, which she calls a dolphin. Angelina was very excited about going, and became very upset when we explained that we couldn't see Shamu today.

My wife and I talked it over and decided we had to go rent Free Willy so Angelina could see the whales. We packed the children back in the car and started driving to Block Buster. However, as we were leaving the park my wife noticed a couple taking pictures by the Sea World sign with two large stuffed animals that just happened to be Shamu. She asked me to pull over.

Veronica got out of the car and asked the couple if they would like her to take a picture so that they could both be in the picture. The said they would like that. Once Veronica took the picture she explained that she needed a favor and asked if they would mind if we took the same picture of our children with their two stuffed whales and gave a quick explanation about why Angelina was upset. The nice couple agreed.

My children at Sea WorldThis is the picture we took that day.

What really was amazing is that after the picture was taken, the couple gave a rubber replica of Shamu to my daughter and fuzzy stuffed animal that was a shark to my son.

I was honestly floored that anyone would be so nice... The fact that they were nice to my children made me really happy and very glad that we had stopped to take the picture for this very nice couple. The whole experience really made me feel good and I don't think I will ever forget this act of kindness toward my children from complete strangers.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I Follow Her Rules?

My daughter understands what a stop sign is and points them out. Monday night my daughter was pointing out stop signs as usual, but she failed to see one. We told her that there was a stop sign. She goes "Daddy you need to stop." I said that I did. She then replied "Good job daddy. You followed my rules."

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Today is my Birthday

"Today is my birthday" my daughter announced to me right before dinner last night.

I had arrived home from work yesterday and my wife was making dinner. Everyone was in the kitchen and my daughter was telling me that it was her birthday. I was a bit surprised since I know her birthday is on April 24th. My daughter went on to tell me that she had a birthday cake so today was her birthday. She told me that mommy got her a birthday cake.

I tried explaining that she got a "cake" and today was not her birthday, but of course she would have nothing of it. "Today is my day. Today is my birthday because I have a birthday cake" she proclaimed.

The cake was a cheese cake that Veronica purchased when they were at the HEB Grocery store today, at Angelina's request.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Lessons This Dad Has Learned From His 3 Year Old Daughter

If you pay attention, you can learn a lot from watching and listening to your children. Sometimes they remind you of lessons you learned as a child. Sometimes they will amaze you by teaching you something brand new. Often they will make you smile.
Here are just a few of the lessons I have learned.

  1. Life does not always work as you expect.

    My daughter has watched movies on DVD since almost the day she was born. When she is watching a program on PBS it seems just like the ones she has on DVD. But when it is over she doesn't understand why she can't watch it again. From her point of view, T.V. on demand is exactly how the world is supposed to work. This lesson hit home for me when I realized that my daughter had a larger DVD collection than I did. I never imagined that family, friends, and grandparents would have purchased so many DVD for a 3 year old girl. We parents have also contributed heavily to the growing collection. What my wife can't understand is how I can enjoy watching my daughters DVD's almost as much as my daughter.

  2. Life is often a matter of perspective.

    One of her favorite DVD is Winnie the Pooh. Veronica and I decided my daughter might enjoy seeing Winnie the Pooh at the movie theater. With this in mind we decided to take her to see the latest Winnie the Pooh movie (Pooh's Heffalump Movie (2005)). As we entered the theater my daughter exclaims, "Wow!, what a really big T.V.!" By the way, she loved the movie.

  3. You can love someone and still not like them.

    When my daughter is upset with me she will often tell me, "Daddy, you are not my best friend any more. I don't like you." and yet I know my daughter still loves me. Now when she announces to someone that they are her best friend, I warn them that she can take that away as easily as she gives it.

  4. They are listening.

    You ever wonder why parents get into the habit of calling each other "mommy" and "daddy"? The reason becomes obvious once you realize that your children mimic what ever you say. As long I call my wife "mom" or "mommy", my daughter does the same. When I called out across the house "Veronica" my daughter starts calling for "Veronica" as well. When this happens I have to explain to my daughter that only daddy calls mommy "Veronica". Angelina accepts this most of the time.

  5. Expectations are what count.

    I am always fascinated at the unique viewpoints my daughter brings to the otherwise mundane world. She gets into arguments with "Mr. Sun" because she says the sun is shinning in her eye and won't stop like she asked it to. Then she gets upset when Mr. Sun won't come out from behind the clouds so she can see him. Finally when my three-year-old daughter saw the moon during the daytime for the first time she immediately announced to me "Daddy, someone forgot to turn off the moon."


Written by William E Petersen, author of the blog called DaddyTalk at William is a father of two children, Angelina who is three and Carlos who is one. He lives with his wife and children in San Antonio, Texas. He can be reached at


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Things She Says

My daughter says "You make my ears loud" whenever you make a loud noise that she does not like.

My daughter says "You hurt my feelings" whenever we tell her something that upsets her. This can be something as simple as telling her "no" to her request.

My son says "my ball", "goodbye", and "hi". Almost all other words are not understandable.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

10 Things Fathers of Toddlers Should Always Carry With Them.

Traveling anywhere with a Toddler is always an adventure. These are things that I have discovered over time are useful for dad to have with him. I don't always have them, but I try to make an effort to have most of them with me when traveling with my three year old daughter. Especially if I am alone with her.

1. Bag of Animal Crackers

Take a simple Ziploc back full of animal crackers. If the plastic Ziploc causes you concern find a small plastic cup. I can't tell you how many times having a simple snack has helped occupy my daughter or ended the crying. Other things like the fish crackers, or granola bars work just as well.

2. Child scissors

If you carry scissor as part of a pocket knife, or finger nail clippers, or even pocket knife with just a blade, you are pretty much prepared for this one. I recommend child scissors for anyone else because your child will want to hold the scissors after you use them. On what? Straws. You want to be able to cut the straw down to a shorter size to make it easier to handle with the smaller cups that come with your childs drinks. Watching a child drink from a straw that is too long makes the need for this one obvious. You can often avoid picking up and holding the drink if the straw is shorter.

3. Handkerchief or Receiving blanket

This is true for toddlers as even more true for even younger children. You need something to wipe the noses, clean up the spills, and otherwise wipe away the tears that inevitably come with your adventures with your toddler.

4. Tiny flashlight

This can be a small flashlight or even a pen light. It is useful for entertainment for your toddler as well has helpful in finding what ever object has been dropped behind or under the back seat of the car.

5. 2 pieces of hard candy

My wife says I am cheating with I use this one, but if it works, then dad should use it. I try to have two pieces of candy with me for those moments that you need to stop the crying, persuade, or bribe your child into doing what daddy wants. Of course you can't give candy to your children all the time, or as often as they would like, but there are moments when you are in a hurry that it works wonders. If you get to the point that your child is asking you for candy all the time, you are definitely doing this too often.

6. Picture of your child

This is as much for bragging rights as serving any useful purpose. I have discovered as a proud father that I can talk to anyone about my children. Pictures are always good. Just keep in mind that you may have to look at their pictures as well.

7. Moist Towlet (individual wet wipe)

What works best is those individual moist towlets like the ones you get at your BBQ restaurant. I think you can also find them at some gas stations. Either way, while having wet wipes with you is always a must, sometime you don't have them available and having a single moist towlet tucked away can be a life saver. Especially after you used the candy and now your child is all sticky.

8. Extra Pair of sun glasses

If you don't want your toddler reaching or wanting to play with your sun glasses, then you need an extra "cheap pair" or sun glasses for your toddler that actually fit them. There is nothing cooler than when my daughter want to wear her sun glasses to be like daddy.

9. Camera

My wife carries a digital camera in her purse. A disposable camera works as well. They even sell disposable digital cameras. No matter what you have, there are those moments when you are with your children that you wish you had a camera. Not to mention, if you ever are in a car accident, or witness one, a camera can be really important to have then as well.

10 Extra Emergency Diaper Bag

Take a gym bag and back if full of the same stuff as in the diaper bag. Include the wet wipes, diapers, a change of clothes etc. Keep it in your vehicle. If you have more than one vehicle, make one for each vehicle. When you forget the diaper bag or run out of something, you will be the hero for having thought ahead. If you are along with the children and realize you don't have the diaper bag, you will be thankful for the emergency diaper bag.

William E Petersen is author of a blog called DaddyTalk. William is a father of 2 children, Angelina who is three yeasrs old and Carlos who is one year old. He lives with his wife and two children in San Antonio Texas. He can be reached at

What is a good father?

Last night we took the children to Dairy Queen to play on their outside playground. I was talking to my wife about what is a good Father.

My daughter replied "You are a good daddy so you are a good father".

If only life was so simple.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My Children

Carlos on Friday, July 29, 2005. In case your wondering, yes his eyes are different colors.

My daughter Angelina on April 23, 2005. This is the day we baptised Carlos, and this is what Angelina was wearing.

In the Beginning

Entering fatherhood is a life changing event. Your time, your goals, your hopes and your dreams stop being just your own. With Fatherhood comes great responsibility. Many men don't understand their new role as a father. They don't know what to do when they hold a baby. They don't know what do to when the baby cries. In fact, during pregnancy many men have difficulty coming to grip with the idea that they are going to be a father. Fatherhood does not really crystallize until the birth of the baby. It is when the baby if finally born that most fathers start to understand their new role.

Everything I know about being a father I learned from growing up with my father. While in retrospect, this turns out to be a large amount of good information, the idea of facing a new baby and being responsible for them scared me. I didn't feel like I knew enough. The good news is that all of my concerns were normal. In other words, no matter how much you may know, you don't feel like you know enough. The fear and worry is normal for anyone entering fatherhood.

OK. Feeling this way is normal. I know that today, but I didn't know that then. My next question became what to do about it.

My reaction was to try and soak up as much information on parenting and fatherhood as I could find. I looked for books at bookstores and online on the subject of fatherhood. I went to all of my wife's doctor appointments and all of her sonograms. I went to as many prenatal classes as my wife wanted. I even signed up for "father boot camp", a class for just fathers. This class introduces you to other men who have the same concerns you do. It also teaches important things like how to change a diaper and what your wife will need in the form of support when she brings the baby home from the hospital.

As it turns out, taking prenatal classes with my wife turned out to be a very good idea. These classes allows you time to adjust to the fact that there really is a baby coming into your life. It also helps give you some idea what to expect when the baby does come, and most men need to know what is coming. The birth of your child is when the emotions of being a dad and entering into fatherhood comes crashing home. I had never realized how proud I could be of anything or anyone until the birth of my little girl. I didn't understand until I held my daughter how much I can care about someone else in this world.

When you look at your tiny baby you will realize that your baby is vulnerable and dependent upon you for support. At the same time you now have a new appreciation for your wife's strength, courage, and pain tolerance. After watching your wife give birth, and seeing your little baby come into the world, you will find that you are willing to make the sacrifices and the changes needed to accommodate the needs of your family. You will also find that no description of the event before hand does justice to the experience of seeing your child born. When I asked my best friend why he didn't tell be before hand how it felt to become a father, he simply replied "You would not have believed me anyway."

This month my little girl is three years, 7 months old. My little boy is 19 months old. They are growing up so fast. They are the reason I am writing this blog.